Through reading his lyrics it is evident that from early adult life David Bowie understood quite clearly how the wheels of the world were greased. Behind the dystopian visions this understanding invariably yielded was a humanitarianism of the deepest order. Even his iconic, ever shifting style always served primarily to convey messages that we all needed to hear if only we would listen. The same can be said for few at his level.
In my opinion the term ‘chameleon’ and Bowie’s overall portrayal in popular culture fail to do justice to his intentions or his achievements. Today, like so many of us, I feel a powerful sadness that another irreplaceable bright light has gone from the world never again to rage against the darkness.
His words have been circling round and round my head all day long. Right now these are in focus:
So much has gone
And little is new
And as the sparrow sings
Dawn chorus for
Someone else to hear
The Thinker sits alone growing older
And so bitter